Sharia Stock Investment On The Indonesian Stock Exchange In The Perspective Of Sharia Economic Law


  • Muhammad Fatihk Robbyanzah Departemen Islamic Economics, IAIN Fattahul Muluk Papua
  • Gita Ayu Wulan Sari Departemen Islamic Economics, IAIN Fattahul Muluk Papua
  • Mirna Keliwawa Departemen Islamic Economics, IAIN Fattahul Muluk Papua
  • Muhammad Rizal Ariansyah Departemen Islamic Economics, IAIN Fattahul Muluk Papua
  • Samsul Fadli Irianto Departemen Islamic Economics, IAIN Fattahul Muluk Papua
  • Jukri Baharuddin Departemen Islamic Economics, IAIN Fattahul Muluk Papua
  • Shimah Fauziah Yeubun Departemen Islamic Economics, IAIN Fattahul Muluk Papua



Stock Investment, Indonesia Stock Exchange, Sharia Economic Law


Stock transactions in the capital market are considered speculative activities so that they are prohibited by Islam and are not in accordance with sharia because they lead to gambling. This study aims to provide an explanation to prospective investors about the law of stock investment from the perspective of sharia economic law. This research method uses a literature study which is used to examine the basis of sharia economic law regarding stock investment. The research results show that stock transactions are a business agreement (trade association or partnership), so buying and selling shares on the Indonesian Stock Exchange is permitted because shares are proof of ownership of a company in the form of assets. The jurists who allow this are Abu Zahrah, Abdurrahman Hasan and Abdul Wahab Khallaf.


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How to Cite

Muhammad Fatihk Robbyanzah, Gita Ayu Wulan Sari, Mirna Keliwawa, Muhammad Rizal Ariansyah, Samsul Fadli Irianto, Jukri Baharuddin, & Shimah Fauziah Yeubun. (2024). Sharia Stock Investment On The Indonesian Stock Exchange In The Perspective Of Sharia Economic Law. PAPUA: International Journal of Sharia Business Management, 1(2), 10-16.