International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)

PAPUA: International Journal of Sharia Business Management The journal is published twice a year in June and December. Contains scientific articles in the form of research, analysis study, theoretical study, and review of studies in the field of Islamic business, accounting, and management. Publishing this journal aims to increase the quantity and quality to spread knowledge and also as a means of communication between scientists, practitioners, students, and observers of Islamic business and management studies. The journal is intended to be the journal for publishing articles reporting the results of research on Islamic business and management.
PAPUA: International Journal of Sharia Business Management
Published by: IAIN Fattahul Muluk Papua
Managed by: Study Program of Sharia Business Management , Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business, Lecturer's New Building, 2nd Floor.
Jl. Merah Putih, Buper, Waena, Distrik Heram, Kota Jayapura, Papua.
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