Nilai-Nilai Pendidikan Karakter Pada Surah An-Nisā’ Ayat 36: Kajian Tafsir Al-Munīr Karya Wahbah Zuhaili
Character Education, QS. An-Nisā' Verse 36, Tafsir Al-MunirAbstract
This research examines the values of character education contained in QS. An-Nisā' verse 36 through the perspective of Tafsir Al-Munīr by Wahbah Zuhaili. This verse emphasizes monotheism's importance: doing good to parents, relatives, orphans, the poor, near and far neighbors, colleagues, Ibn Sabil, and servants. The research method used is a qualitative study of text analysis to identify emerging themes, patterns, and concepts, relate them to the idea of character education in Islam, and produce a comprehensive understanding of the moral and ethical messages conveyed therein. Research findings show that the values taught in this verse include religious values, responsible values, social care values, friendly or communicative values, and democratic values. The conclusion of this research shows that implementing these values in everyday life can form individuals who obediently worship only Allah, act pretty, respect the rights of others, and contribute positively to society. Internalizing these values in various educational sectors is relevant in forming a civilized and moral national character.
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