Kosmopolitanisme Islam Dalam Indikator Moderasi Beragama Di Indonesia
Cosmopolitanism Islam, Multicultural, Religious Moderation, IndonesiaAbstract
The mainstreaming of religious moderation is not always responded positively by religious people in Indonesia. For example, there is a bad stigma that views the mainstreaming as religious liberalization. This research aims to identify the existence of cosmopolitan Islamic values in the indicators of religious moderation formulated by the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia. This qualitative research in the form of a literature study uses a normative-philosophical approach. The cosmopolitan Islamic paradigm initiated by Abdurrahman Wahid became an analytical theory in the core discussion. This research shows that there are dimensions of cosmopolitan Islamic values in four indicators of religious moderation in Indonesia. First, the value of Islamic universalism in indicators of tolerance and anti-radicalism. This can be seen from the mainstreaming of religious moderation which emphasizes the formation of moderate Muslim religious understandings and attitudes in respecting social plurality and human values. Second, the value of Islamic pribumization in indicators of national commitment and accommodating to local wisdom. This can be seen from the mainstreaming of religious moderation which emphasizes the formation of moderate Islamic religious understanding and social attitudes in maintaining nationalism and wisdom of local traditions that do not violate Islamic teachings. The theoretical implications of this study show that there is a need for moderate understanding and social attitudes of Muslim diversity in the life of a cosmopolitan society. The limitations of this research have not examined the strategy of Pesantren as a subculture in the cosmopolitan Islamic paradigm initiated by Abdurrahman Wahid, namely related to the internalization of cosmopolitan Islamic values in order to form understanding and social attitudes of moderate diversity for Muslims in Indonesia.
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