Telaah Hubungan Guru dan Murid dalam Konteks Pendidikan di Indonesia (Pemikiran Syeikh Zarnuji dan Syeikh K.H. Hasyim Asyari serta Relevansi Keduanya)
Teacher and Student, Education in Indonesia, Thoughts of Sheikh Sarnuji and KH. Hasyim AsyariAbstract
Sheikh Sarnuji and Khadratus Sheikh KH. Hasyim Asyari is an educational figure who, in providing the concept of the relationship between Teacher and Student, equally underlies his teachings with an emphasis on Morals-Religious. According to both of them, the key to success in the learning and teaching process can only be produced if the relationship between Teacher and Student is carried out properly in accordance with the rules and regulations in the teaching and learning process based on morality (ethics).
The research uses qualitative research in the nature of library research using books and other literature as the main object. It is called library research or often also called literature study, is a series of activities related to methods of collecting library data, reading and recording and processing research materials. The type of research used is qualitative, namely research that produces information in the form of notes and descriptive data contained in the text under study.
The study of the thoughts of Sheikh Sarnuji and Hadratus Sheikh KH. Hasyim Asyari regarding the relationship between teacher and student in the context of education in Indonesia has provided clear and significant directions for the implementation of education in forming a complete human being
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