Upaya Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran untuk Meningkatkan Peran Tutor dalam Program Kursus Bahasa Inggris di Lembaga Enter English Center
Learning Implementation, Role of Tutors, Non-Formal InstitutionsAbstract
This article discusses the Implementation of Learning Efforts to Improve the Role of Tutors in English Course Programs at Enter English Center Institutions. Efforts made by a tutor to carry out his role as a facilitator, director, mediator, and evaluator. The tutor is the most important element in learning, so the role of the tutor in general is as a motivator, the tutor can fulfill his role in such a way that the tutor can increase learning motivation. The purpose of this study is to examine how the role of tutors in the implementation of student learning at the Enter English Center Institution. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. The research subjects in this study consisted of one infoman tutor from the Enter English Center Institute. The results of the interview found that one of the learning activities was designed in the form of 40 days of proficient conversion by creating a comfortable learning atmosphere by playing instrument music while learning took place and for media used in learning, namely material given online before offline learning took place at the Enter English Center Institute, for technology media was not fully utilized because it utilized speaking techniques but other tutors Utilize Kahoot website technology to conduct quizzes. In addition, tutors at this institution also have a uniqueness in learning, namely prioritizing relaxing learning participants and providing freedom in the desire to learn and are welcome to eat snacks in class
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Copyright (c) 2023 Alfida Mutih Amalia, Salsabila Salsabila, Indra Sudrajat

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