Penerapan Metode Make a Match pada Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab dalam Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas VII A di MTs As’adiyah Uloe
Arabic Language, Make a Match, MTs As’adiyah UloeAbstract
This study aims to determine the application of the Make a Match (MaM) method in learning Arabic theme al-Ghurafu fi al-Baiti (rooms in the house) in improving the learning outcomes of grade VII A students at MTs As'adiyah Uloe. This study is a classroom action research. Data collection techniques use test methods, field notes, and documentation. Data processing and analysis techniques use descriptive statistics by presenting data in the form of tables / graphs, average calculations, and percentages using Ms. Excel. The standard/KKM is 73. The results of this study showed that: 1) The average percentage of student learning outcomes in the first cycle was 78. The highest value is 90 and the lowest value is 60. The number of students with complete criteria is 20 people because >73, while those who are incomplete are 9 people because <73. If the data is percentage, then the average completeness is 69%, while the incomplete is 31%. 2) The average student learning outcome in cycle II is 83. The highest score is 100 and the lowest score is 80. The number of students with complete criteria is 29 people because >73, while those who are incomplete are 0 people because <73. If the data is percentaged, then the average completeness is 100%, while the incomplete is 0%.
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