Strategi Kepala Sekolah Dalam Mengembangkan Budaya Religius di SMK Salafiyah Plumbon Cirebon
Religious Culture, Student Character, Disciplinary ApproachAbstract
This research aims to explore the implementation of religious culture in shaping students' character at SMK Salafiyah Plumbon, Cirebon. Religious culture is considered essential in building students' discipline, social responsibility, and moral behavior. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach to illustrate the implementation of disciplinary and persuasive strategies applied by the school principal in supporting religious activities. The disciplinary approach emphasizes the consistent enforcement of rules related to religious activities, while the persuasive approach encourages students to better understand religious values. The findings show that both approaches successfully improved students' discipline, social responsibility, and moral behavior. Despite challenges such as limited facilities and parental support, the principal managed to create an inclusive and supportive environment. This study shows that consistently applied religious culture can shape students' character and have a positive impact on their personal and social life.
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