Designing Multiculturalism Education: According to the Qur'an and Its Relevance in the Context of Indonesia
Qur'an, Multiculturalism Education, Identity, DialogueAbstract
This paper focuses on the problem of Multiculturalism Education which is related to the teachings of the Qur'an. The Qur'an as a guideline for life on earth is not spared from the problems of multiculturalism. In order for the instructions to be accepted and understood collectively, it needs to be implemented in the realm of Education. The purpose of multiculturalism education is so that students can be aware of their identity, both individually and collectively. The implications of the realization of this goal are the active participation of each group member, the encounter of different identities, and the realization of social justice. Students also get the same rights and obligations in the social space and build the future of Indonesia. Meanwhile, social space becomes an arena for negotiation and dialogue that leads to a "fluidity" of identity so that mutual understanding and mutual recognition of the existence of each identity emerges.
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