Taarudh Al–adillah dan Tarjih dalam Perspektif Ushul Fiqh
Ta'arudh al-adillah, Tarjih, Contradiction of propositionsAbstract
This article discusses the concept of ta'arudh al-adillah in Islamic law, which indicates a contradiction between two or more arguments that have equal strength. This phenomenon poses a challenge to scholars in the process of ijtihad and legal decision-making, as it can lead to confusion in the application of the law. To resolve this conflict, the tarjih method is applied, which involves an in-depth analysis of the context and quality of the proposition. This research uses a qualitative approach with a literature-based method to understand the dynamics of conflicts between propositions and how they are resolved. It was found that a deep understanding of ta'arudh and the application of tarjih is essential to creating a legal framework that is adaptive to the times. This article aims to provide insight into how scholars dealt with situations where propositions appeared to be contradictory, as well as the criteria used in choosing the stronger proposition.
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