Metode Pendidikan Berdiferensiasi Bagi Generasi Z dalam Perspektif Hadis
Method, Educating, Generation ZAbstract
An effective approach in educating Generation Z, cannot be ignored that religious and spiritual values have an important role in shaping their character and behavior. In Islam, hadith, as the second source of teaching after Al-Quran, presents ethical, morality, and pedagogy guidelines that have the potential to become the foundation for effective educational methods for Generation Z. This research explores concepts in hadith that are relevant to education, reviews its application in Generation Z education, as well as analyzes its impact on character formation and development of generation Z skills. The research method used is literatur review. The result of this research is that the hadith that is taught is a hadith related to the method of educating the Z generation effectively by means of differentiated education, namely paying attention to the characteristics of students and providing teaching according to the level of ability to receive learning. The study of the verses of the Qur'an and the views of several previous and contemporary scholars can be seen that the hadith is not contrary to the main teachings of Islam even appropriate and can be used as a reference in educating the Z generation. The need for differentiated education so that the learning taught can be conveyed and understood to good practice for generation Z. So that students get a learning experience that brings them a change towards a better direction and makes them a kamil person.
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