Implementasi Konsep Spiritual Pedagogik Melalui Program Inpirasi Dhuha
Inspirasi Dhuha, Holistic Education, Spiritual PedagogyAbstract
This research aims to analyze the implementation of the spiritual pedagogical concept through the "Inspirasi Dhuha" program at SMAN 7 Bandung and its impact on the development of students' spiritual and moral values. The "Inspirasi Dhuha" program is the school's effort to integrate the spiritual dimension in education through a combination of Dhuha prayer activities and inspirational sessions from various life inspirators. This study employs a qualitative approach with a case study method. Data is collected through participatory observation, in-depth interviews with students, teachers, and stakeholders of the program, as well as the analysis of documents related to the "Inspirasi Dhuha" program. The results of the analysis are interpreted to reveal the extent to which this program successfully integrates spiritual values in education and its impact on students' character development. Through this research, a deeper understanding is obtained regarding how the "Inspirasi Dhuha" program implements the spiritual pedagogical concept. Students respond positively to this program, and it influences their character and behavior development. The Dhuha prayer activity provides direct spiritual benefits to students through worship, while the inspirational sessions help them better understand life goals, career choices, and values that need to be upheld when facing challenges. The "Inspirasi Dhuha" program serves as a tangible example of how formal education or public schools can integrate spiritual values within the learning environment.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Achmad Faqihuddin, Fajar Romadhon, Abdillah Muflih

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