Pengajaran Pendidikan Islam Berbasis Keberagaman Budaya Peserta Didik

Islamic Education Teaching Based on Students' Cultural Diversity


  • Andi Fini Rathi Anri Universitas Muslim Indonesia



Islamic Education, Diversity, Students.


Islamic education learning is not merely about delivering curriculum content but also aims to shape students' good character and enable them to apply the skills taught in the classroom. Classes comprising students from diverse cultural backgrounds often pose challenges for teachers in providing effective instruction. Therefore, teachers must address the needs of each student to ensure equitable education. This requires teachers' sensitivity and skills in employing appropriate approaches, strategies, methods, and techniques, whether through direct or indirect strategies, as well as teacher-centered or student-centered approaches. This article briefly discusses the concept of learning oriented toward students' cultural diversity, encompassing language, practices, beliefs, and values. Teachers' understanding of cultural diversity is crucial for designing relevant learning materials. Hence, this study aims to analyze and provide recommendations based on a literature review regarding the implementation of culture-based learning in Islamic education. This article is expected to serve as a guide for fostering inclusive and culturally responsive learning.



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How to Cite

Anri, A. F. R. (2024). Pengajaran Pendidikan Islam Berbasis Keberagaman Budaya Peserta Didik: Islamic Education Teaching Based on Students’ Cultural Diversity. OBHE: Jurnal Pascasarjana IAIN Papua, 1(02), 157-170.