Pendekatan Integratif antara Perdata dan Pidana dalam Pengadilan Keluarga di Indonesia
An Integrative Approach between Civil and Criminal in Family Courts in Indonesia
Family Court, integration, civil, criminalAbstract
High rates of domestic violence and divorce highlight the need for a responsive and integrated justice system. This research aims to offer a family court model that integrates civil and criminal approaches in Indonesia. This normative legal research uses a comparative approach by comparing family court systems in other countries. Secondary data from various previous studies relevant to the subject matter. Data were collected through documentation techniques, and data were analysed using reduction, presentation, and verification techniques. The results of this study concluded that the existence of a family court system in Indonesia that combines civil and criminal approaches can demonstrate efficiency, consistency of decisions, and a focus on child welfare. The findings of this study can contribute to the paradigm of improving justice and welfare in the family court system in Indonesia.
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