Pengolahan Hasil Limbah Plastik Menjadi House Craft Di Kampung Jaifuri Arso 3 Kabupaten Keerom
Sampah plastik, pengelolaan, pengabdian, plastic waste, management, serviceAbstract
Waste is a problem until now, because until now there has been no further handling from the government regarding plastic waste, plastic waste is classified as waste that is very long decomposed by the soil, therefore we make a processing of plastic waste into various creations, namely, glass drink holders, flower decorations, and other home creations. The purpose of this activity is so that we and the community can find out how to make house craft creations so as to produce a result that has selling value and help create business opportunities for people who have an interest in art. The method used in this research is using the PAR (participatory action research) method, the results of this activity have been achieved with the formation of a house craft creation from plastic waste. The supporting factors of the service activities are the support of the village head, the head of the family welfare coaching mother and the enthusiasm of the participants and the inhibiting factors of this activity are the time limitations of the activity, then from this activity we make observations that this service activity is overall good starting from the enthusiasm of the community and the understanding given to the participants can be understood and implemented.
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