Pelaksanaan Santunan Anak Yatim dalam Peringatan 10 Muharram di Desa Mampai
compensation, religious, Mampai VillageAbstract
Islamic traditions in Indonesia are very important to preserve and one of them is the charity activity for orphans carried out in Mampai Village with local customs and culture which have their own meaning and content in them. Donation activities for orphans in Mampai Village are continuously carried out and have become a tradition every year. The method used in implementing community service is Participatory Action Research (PAR). Carrying out compensation activities for orphans in commemoration of the 10th of Muharram in Mampai Village, Kapuas Murung District, Kapuas Regency, Central Kalimantan Province is a tradition that originates from the teachings of the Prophet in Islam and this tradition has been going on for a long time until now. This activity aims to strengthen Islamic religious values, namely caring for others, connecting ties and helping each other. This series of activities has several stages, namely: (1) Gathering with village officials and the formation of an orphan compensation committee, (2) Data collection on orphans, (3) Fundraising, (4) Religious lectures and implementation of compensation for orphans, (5) Dissolution of the committee. The proceeds from the fund collection were distributed to all 34 orphans in Mampai Village. The factors that encourage the implementation of this activity are cooperation, sincerity and high concern for orphans.
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